IntelliJ IDEA will also detect the modules in the project, and correctly set up the test, main and resources folders in a Maven project like the one in the video. You an see the result in the Project window. There’s more than one way to clone a GitHub project from inside IntelliJ IDEA. If we already have a project like this one open, we can choose to get a new project from GitHub using the VCS menu and selecting Get from Version Control… in version 2020.2, or Clone in version 2020.3. This gives you the same dialog we saw earlier allowing you to enter a URL and project directory. Tip: You can also use the JetBrains Toolbox extension to clone a GitHub project to IntelliJ IDEA.

One of the most useful tools when we’re working with a Git project in IntelliJ IDEA is the Git Tool Window. This gives us visibility over the version control status of our project. One way to open the Git Tool window is to hover over the quick access button in the bottom left of the IntelliJ IDEA window, and select Git.
This will open the Git log window.Īlternatively, we can use ⌘9 on macOS, or Alt and 9, on Windows and Linux, to open the Git Tool window. This window shows us all the commits for the project. It also shows us a list of local branches, which in our case is just the “main” branch since we just cloned this repository, as well as remote branches. If you find a visual representation of the commit history useful, this window can help you to understand the status of commits, branches, and remotes for your project. Tip: The Git tool window means you don’t need a third-party application to manage your Git workflow. The Git Tool window means can perform a variety of tasks including merging, creating a new branch, checking out a branch, and undoing changes. When we’re working with open source projects on GitHub, it’s common to have more than one remote associated with a repository. If we go back to the intellij-samples project that we cloned from GitHub, we can see that this is actually a fork of another repository hosted by JetBrains.

This upstream repository is in the JetBrains organisation, and is likely to be updated by multiple people at a different rate to the fork we cloned.
Ideally we want visibility of the upstream repository as well as our own fork in order to get a better idea of what changes have gone in to the upstream repository, and to update our own fork with these changes.

To add this upstream repository remote, we first need to copy the URL like we did before. We can manage our remotes in IntelliJ IDEA in a couple of different ways. One way is to use Shift+ Shift to bring up the Search Everywhere dialog and type Remotes. One of the search results is the ‘Manage Remotes’ option from Git. Selecting this brings up the Git Remotes dialog. This dialog shows the remote we originally cloned this project from, which is our fork of the intellij-samples repository.